Setting Intentions w/ Medicine

Setting Intentions w/ Medicine

Sitting with Intention 

Plants, Fungi, and Cacti are quite literally our relatives! The human body is made up of 60 percent water, and only 7 percent blood. Our blood isn’t what relates us, but what separates us! Water is life, and all life on turtle island has always revolved around water. Therefore, if we look at water as the element that relates all life on earth, then clearly everything is both related and interconnected. Indigenous Plant Medicines are no different. 

Before sitting with any medicine, it’s important to have a preparation ritual. This can look different for anyone, and it is encouraged to build and reshape your rituals and relationship with the medicine the more that you sit with it and listen to what it wants from you. 


  • To begin, find the space that you want to prepare and consume the medicine. Acknowledge what you need.. Do you need a quiet space? Do you need to be alone? Do you need to be outside to connect yourself to the earth more? Honor what the medicine is telling you, it’s been speaking to you before you have even began this preparation. 

  • Prepare the space. Set up an alter or an area where you can place the medicine to give thanks and set intention before the journey begins. Do you have anything special that protects you? Crystals? Blankets? Candles? Incense? Plants? Bring whatever you need to the alter, and organize it in a way that feels good to you. Lastly, find a place for the medicine to sit on the alter.

  • Prayer. To begin, give acknowledgement and thanks. Thank your ancestors for being strong through hardships and always persevering. They never gave up and thats why youre here. Thank the land, which has endured so much hurt and destruction yet still provides abundance. Thank the water, for all the life it supports. Thank every plant, animal, and spirit on turtle island for existing together and creating this great beauty that we are so blessed to be a part of. Thank the earth and creation for the medicine that you’re about to sit with. Take your time. Truly give deep gratitude and thanks for every relative and ancestor.. Now, before, and yet to come. Lastly, thank the medicine and welcome its teaching and guidance. Set an intention for this journey, and then sit with these thoughts and prayers. 

  • After you consume the medicine, take some time to continue your intentional affirmations and prayers. Once you start to feel the medicine begin to work, it is up to you to listen and honor how you feel. Acknowledge that this truly is medicine, and that growth and healing can be a spectrum of emotions. Whether you are in absolute bliss, or are feeling uncomfortable- realize that this is only a very temporary part of the healing. The medicine does what it needs to, as well as what you’re able to handle. There is nothing that this medicine provides that is worthy of concern. Trust the process, surrender to the flow, and enjoy the beautiful journey of growth.